Tag Archive | life coaching

XO Mission and Heartaches

Encourage, inspire and support

It breaks my heart to contemplate whether I should continue this blog.  I cannot comprehend the intention of some comments which are totally unrelated to my blog, from credit cards to viagra!

All I ever wanted was a place to share some thoughts about self-awareness, with the hope that it will reach out to those who are seeking clarity in life’s journey.  However, the nature of such thoughtless intrusion into my blog-site is truly a violation of my personal privacy.   I am not a famous nor popular blogger, just someone who has a strong belief there is inherent goodness in each individual person.  I am now struggling to convince myself that my mission is not a lost cause yet.  Even in the simple approach of blog-writing, I am confronted with the negativity of human nature!

When I react to this intrusion of my writing space, I deviate from my belief; so how should I respond:

  1. Ignore these spammy comments and pretend that they don’t bother me?
  2. Write to each of these spammers and appeal to their better side?
  3. Discontinue this blog and stop writing – it is not worth the effort and heartache?
  4. Continue this blog and pray that spammers will leave me alone?

It is a mystery why some people enjoy doing this – with the accessibility and availability of cyber facilities to all, why choose this method to BE KNOWN?

At the end of the day, what is it that drives these people – ego, identity, pride, recognition, excitement or just pure mischief?

Thoughtlessness occurs in many; mindlessness is an infectious disease; meaningless is the theme of the day; purposeless is the goal of this life – REALLY???

Is there really anything I can do to make these spammers go away?

Guess not, but I can CHOOSE to control what I think and feel about this – do I allow spammers to be stumbling stones in my mission?

I believe in being XO (meaning extraordinary) and this is what my mission is about – to encourage, inspire and support.


Know Who You Are

Know Who You Are

We are created by God as unique individuals.  There are no clones of us in the whole wide world.  Let us explore the issue of our identity by looking at Psalm 139 written by David.  When we divide the psalm into 4 paragraphs, we find David asking these questions:

Verses 1-6 How well does God know me?
Verses 7-12 How near is God to me?
Verses 13-18 Did God really make me?He designed & made me. (v13-15)He has always known me. (v16-18)
Verses 19-24 Will God protect me?

We are special – each of us has a different God-given identity and every individual is WORTHY enough for God to create him or her.  We are not created by accident but specifically designed with purpose by Him.

But there are times when you feel utterly worthless, parched, dry and barren like the desert – if we are that special – why has my life been like this or that?

Our precious gift from God is our free will.  However, many a time, we exercise our free will and then later find that the choices were not so right after all.  Life is about making correct choices and the best thing we can have is the ability (or wisdom) to make right choices at the right time.  How can we get this ability?

Our past experiences and the thoughts arising from these emotions are the major factors in giving us our frame of mind today.  Over time, these factors colluded to form our daily habits and eventually, evolved into our attitudes towards life.  Therefore, we choose and make decisions based on these perspectives in our minds.

Your frame of mind gives you ‘YOUR PICTURE OF THE WORLD’.  You relate, evaluate and feel through this MIND FILTER.  Your mindset determines:

    1.  How you perceive a challenge;
    2. How you see opportunities;
    3. The level of your self-confidence.

You made choices based on the mindset you are in:


So who you are today is greatly influenced by your yesterday’s stories.  If you are lost in the wilderness today, make a stand and change your tomorrow story.  You start with finding out who are you …..



Who, the, is the real ME?


a)       So that we know how to manage our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.  We need to know exactly what makes us happy, sad, angry or scared.  Without this knowledge, we will live life reacting to others’ behaviours.

           Then, we will be able to have a truly authentic walk with God beyond the influence of others.

b)      Through the prompting of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we are able to write the script for our own lives and not act in the scripts written by others.

c)       That we are able to differentiate whether we are “salt or light”.

           Our God-given identity and purpose is not meant to be a hidden mystery.  Discovery will unleash our full potential in shining for the Lord.


a)      Acknowledge that you are a unique individual and have worth and value in God’s masterplan.

b)      As we know that you are created for a purpose, God will not hide His purpose from you.

c)      The events in your life are planned and serve a purpose.  These experiences are learning opportunities and you need to re-look at these events for deeper meaning.

d)      Reflect on these experiences and discover what were the impact/s they had on you and how have these impacts influenced your mindset.

e)      Examine the application of the learning experience.  Did it make you react in a positive or negative way at that time?

f)       What is today’s opinion of that experience.  Does it affect you in the same manner as before?

g)      Why?  What was threatened?  Your ego, values or beliefs?

h)      What are the needs that drive you in your life?

  • Do you know what type of needs are the dominant drivers in your life?
  • Are you consciously aware that these needs are dominating your life?
  • Or are they involuntarily, subconsciously hidden in other factors?
  • Are your dominant drivers – GROWTH or DEFICIENCY motivators?
Parched & Barren

Parched & Barren


a)       What is its significance in my walk with Christ?

b)      What is its influence in my personal relationship with God?


  1. It will not be short nor easy.  Just stay on track.
  1. It is not a journey to specifically find our strengths (gifts/talents) or weaknesses.
  1. Just find out why you think, feel and behave the way you do – THE REAL INNER YOU.
  1. Treat it as an exercise to clear out the skeletons hiding in your closet so that you can discover treasures buried by them.
  1. Have a guidebook for the journey – it makes navigation much more easier. 
PLAN Make it happen – don’t expect it to happen by itself.  Schedule a time & place without distractions.
PREPARE Be honest with yourself and deliberately set aside your own feelings of how worthy or unworthy you think you are.
PRAY Earnestly commit the journey to the Lord.  Believe that He, your Creator Father, will NOT play hide & seek with you.
PEN & PAPER Don’t toss thoughts around in your head.  Writing your thoughts down is the key success factor.
  1. Do NOT ask your friend to give you an evaluation of yourself.  GO SOLO for the first part of the journey.
  1. At the end of the solo journey, verify your discoveries with someone you trust – preferably a person who will not influence you with comments/opinions that are always based on his/her own mind filter.


  1. You are not mass-produced clones; each of us has a unique God-given identity and created for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE IN HIS MASTERPLAN.  Believe that you are precious to Him and He will equip you for His designed purpose.
  1. God gave you a free will – freedom to choose.  We must honour this God-given privilege by making ENLIGHTENED AND SANCTIFIED CHOICES.  Remember that you still have time and ability to change your tomorrow stories.
  1. You must KNOW WHO YOU ARE before you can realize the full potential that God has destined for you.  Raw gemstones look very different from the finished jewellery that we know.
  1. Do not let LOW SELF-ESTEEM deprive us of tasting the sweet fulfilment in shining for the Lord.  Neither should we allow our EGO lead us into false witnessing and self-glory.

This article is dedicated to my brothers and sisters in Christ because I believe that we are DESIGNED TO SHINE!  

Watch out for the next part in this series – LET GOD OWN YOU followed by the final part – BE KNOWN THROUGH YOUR WORKS


The Iceberg Coaching Story


I am taking out my Iceberg Story from my coaching stories page and posting this as a blog.  If you have read this before, bear with me or forward this to someone whom you feel may like this.

I believe it has been somewhat hidden in terms of visibility and would really like to share this story with more readers.  Hope you will enjoy another “tongue-in-the-cheek” story – challenging many of us to “dive” into the deep waters with our coachees.  And for the non-coaches, when have you taken a deeper interest and appreciation into the issues faced by your spouse, children, family members and friends?  As a boss or manager, when have you taken more than a nominal interest in what makes your employees or staff behave the way they do? So ….  Let me tell you a story ……


One day, a man was fishing from the rocks at the seaside. He heard someone calling, “Hey, Mister!”

He checked around and saw a dark form somewhere out in the sea. He thought that was where the sound came from and he answered, “Good Morning! Did you just call me?”

“Yes, I did,” came the reply. He strained his eyes but could not make out exactly what it was.

“What can I do for you?” he shouted back.

“I am trying to get to the shore,” the voice said.

“Oh, do you need some help?” the fisherman asked.

“Of course I do” the voice replied.

By now, the man can see a person standing on a floating surface some distance away from the shore.

“Are you hurt?” he asked the person, who then replied, “I am not sure.”

The man evaluated the situation and decided that he needed to get closer to the person to provide some help. So, he got into his little boat and rowed out towards the person.

“I am coming over to you in my boat,” he told the other person as he rowed.

The person said, “Wow, you are the first person to do so.” The man was perplexed and asked, “What happened?”

“I met a few people as I drifted along. Each time I had different experiences. There was a lady who tried to help me by using a long pole to pull me in. Another time, a man took his binoculars to check me out but did nothing else.”

The fisherman said, “That is tough. Luckily you have managed to survive until now. You must be cold and hungry too. I have a hot drink and a dry blanket on my boat. I will soon be there with you.”

“Thanks,” said the person. “I feel a lot better now, knowing that help is on the way. It is really hard when you are in trouble and worse still, all alone.”

As the fisherman rowed nearer, he discovered that the person was a man standing on a piece of floating debris that had iced over in the cold weather. He got alongside and quickly offered the hot drink and blanket.

“Are you alright? Let me get you to the shore.” said the concerned fisherman.

“I think I am ok but it is so hard to get to the shore with this thing,” said the person, pointing to the floating surface.

The fisherman did not understand, “I am sorry, I do not understand what you mean.”

The person said, “This is all I have left with me and I will not part with it in any way. I have drifted on this for a long time and it is a part of me. But, for some reason, it is not able to come close to land.”

The fisherman got even more curious and asked, “That is strange. May I step out of my boat onto this surface and check out why?”

“Sure, but you must be careful. Don’t damage it – it is very precious to me.”

As he stepped onto the surface, the fisherman almost fell off it because the surface was very slippery. To his amazement, he saw that it was solid ice.

“Oh dear, I think this is the tip of an iceberg!”

“Iceberg? What is that? All I know is that I have been on this for a long time and it must be a part of me.”

The fisherman told him, “What you are standing on is only a small portion of the iceberg. The rest of the iceberg is submerged under the water, which is why you did not realise that it was there.”

“So what if it is there – I will not part with this “whatever” because it is what is familiar to me.”

“But didn’t you say you wanted to get ashore? How can this happen if you won’t part with this iceberg? Once the iceberg gets ashore, assuming that this is possible, it will melt and disappear anyway.”

The person was clearly distressed, “If I don’t get ashore, I will not last much longer without food and water, and it is so cold at night too. What is going to happen to me?”

The fisherman was very moved by his distress and decided that he will brave the cold and check out the size of this iceberg. He may be wrong and it wasn’t an iceberg at all.

So he dived into the cold water and felt with his hands the shape of this floating thing. After a while, he came out of the water and told the person, “It does seem to be an iceberg and is very huge. I cannot imagine how this can get ashore.”

The person was sad and confused. The fisherman said, “Why don’t you take a dive and see for yourself?”

“I can’t swim,” said the person. The fisherman said to him “How about this – let me take your hand and we dive into the water together.”

So they went into the water and the person was convinced that there was a huge mass of ice underneath the surface. When they came out of the sea, the fisherman suggested that they take some small bits of ice and put them onto the boat. The ice melted.

The person understood the enormity of his problem and said to the fisherman, “What is going to happen to me now?”

The fisherman replied, “Let me take you ashore on my boat. If you stay on this iceberg, you will eventually perish when the weather goes into summer.”

The person said to the fisherman, “Other people have told me to jump and swim ashore but you took the effort to row out to me. Some have told me that I can stay where I am because they said that if you have drifted on this for so long, it should be able to take you where you want to go. But you made me realise that this is only a huge mass of ice and it will melt soon. I know I have to trust you because you even gave me a hot drink and dry blanket and you are shivering from the dive just now.”

“Alright, I will come ashore with you in your boat and thank you for making me aware that what I was drifting on was nothing solid at all.”

To the coaches out there, you will recognise and, hopefully laugh, at the dry wit of this story.

To others who have yet to experience what coaching is all about, it may be an enlightening experience to discover what sort of icebergs that you are drifting on in your life journey. You never know when they will take you down with them.

Thank you for your encouragement!

Photo by Bill Squire



I must say thank you for all the kind feedback and comments received recently.  I am a blogger who is NOT savvy with the blogging processes and have been rather intimidated by the amount of spam and non related “comments” encountered so far. 

This blog website is created to encourage readers to explore and seek a higher level of self-awareness.  My intent is sincere, as is the intention to challenge readers to search beyond their usual realm of thoughts.  

It is important that we put meaning and purpose back into our lives – because no one else can do this better than ourselves.  Not even our most beloved ones.  It is time that we awaken our thoughts and senses to unleash the power of self-awareness.   

As a coach, it is my calling to help others discover and live a more meaningful and purposeful life.  As a child of God, it is my mission to enable others gain a more enriching relationship with Him.  As a friend of the community, it is my responsibility to add value to the people and environment around me.

And I aim to do this through the wider circle of the blogging world.  If you have found my stories encouraging, I am truly glad that I have been able to make a difference in the life of others.  I do not post very frequently as I devote a lot of thought and reflection in writing an article. 

Once again, I thank all readers who have commented and I am very encouraged to write more stories in the future.  I am convinced that 2013 will be a more productive year for my stories and this is only possible because of your encouragement! 

Thanks and God Bless!

The Roads In Our Life


Is this where you are now?
Photo by Bill Squire


What sort of roads are you walking on today?

  • Muddy and soft where every step taken creates a mess?
  • Hard and rocky where you have to watch every step you take?
  • Wet and slippery making it so easy to slip and hurt yourself?
  • Dry and sandy where you have to tip your shoes ever so often?

 Why are you walking on this road today?

  • It cannot be helped – someone else created these roads?
  • It was not always like this; you don’t know how and when did the roads became this way?
  • You don’t know where you are and where you want to go?
  • You guess it must be the right road because others have used it before?

 Do you still want to walk on this road tomorrow?

  • You believe so because there seem to be no other options?
  • You feel that this is the only road because you have been on it for so long?
  • You really think you should change to another road and are still thinking about it?
  • You love walking on this road and want to continue to do so in all your tomorrows?

Now consider your answers to these questions:

  1. How many more tomorrows do you have?
  2. What is the sort of road that you want to walk on – today and tomorrow?
  3. Where are you now and do you know where you want to get to?
  4. What can you do to build the sort of road to get to where you want to go?
  5. When are you going to do this – tomorrow?


Behold, it is the time for peace, joy and love

Are you still waiting?Once again, it is the time of the year where Christmas is in the air everywhere.  Today, Christmas is an industry in itself – it has transitioned from a religious commemorative event to be the global festive party it is today.

Whilst Christians are aware that 25th December is not about the actual birthday of Jesus and use it as an occasion to rejoice and convey the message of salvation to others, enterprising businesses have leveraged on the mankind’s universal need for peace, joy and love.

Can holly, mistletoe, Christmas trees, decorative glitter, sleigh bells, carols and even a White Christmas really give us peace, joy and love?  No?

  • What will give me true peace, joy and love?
  • What it means to me – personally?
  • What is missing in my life – right now?
  • What am I doing about it – real physical bodily action?
  • What is the difference between last year’s and this year’s 25th December – for me?
  • Have my levels of peace, joy and love improved this year – compared to last year?
  • Where will I be this time next year – still status quo?
  • Why is it important for me to have true peace, joy and love?
  • How will my levels of peace, joy and love affect the lives of others – loved ones, friends, and workmates?

Why am I writing about this?  Because true peace, joy and love is precious to me – as a wife, mother, sibling, child, friend and coach – what I do not have, I cannot give.  If I want to see peace, joy and love in their lives, I must be able to contribute and make it happen.

Are you seeking peace, joy and love?  Yes?

MAKE IT HAPPEN – Don’t just wait and let it happen!

Behold, it is the time for peace, joy and love – mindfully seek, give and then

rejoice when it returns in manifold blessings!


Mirror, mirror on the wall

Please do not take me for granted

I started life as transparent glass, allowing light to pass through my body, bringing sunshine into dark interiors

I then suffered an uncomfortable coating process to be changed into a mirror

It was not for my sake, but they say it would give me a unique purpose

People don’t look through me anymore – they look at me and either like or don’t like what they see

I think that it is not my fault because it is their own reflection that they see

Some saw beauty and walk away inspired

Others saw distorted images but trusted my properties

Because people say – mirrors don’t lie

Now tell me ……………


I would like to use this mirror story to remind us of our mission at the start of each new day.  When we wake up in the morning, let the mirror trigger our commitment to practise active role modeling.  What makes it worth all the efforts that need to put in?

Let me give you the conclusion of my mirror story:

  1. We send our children out into the world everyday.
  2. Whom will they emulate?  You and I!
  3. We are the role models for others’ children.
  4. Vice versa, others are role models for our kids too.
  5. What goes round comes round!
  6. We do reap a harvest based on the seeds we sow.
  7. We serve by being a community of authentic, active role models.
  8. We want to inspire a society that is built on balanced personalities and strong character traits.
  9. Wow – What a wonderful world!

Loneliness or Blue Ocean?

Photo from Bill Squire’s collection

Is this where you are right now? Lonely and feeling low? Or enjoying the solitude, the vastness of available space and acknowledging the beauty of God’s creation? Life can be like this – you have the option to choose how you think and feel about it.

My friends, where are you right now is not as meaningful as how you can turn it into your own personal blue ocean.

In Praise of God

Winter in Hope Valley

11 July 2012 

Today, I went through the process of ‘culling’ my personal belongings as I pack up my stuff and head back to life in Malaysia.  I had mixed feelings – excited to return to my hometown and yet faced with having to either give away or leave behind some of the things that have meaning to me.

As I drastically reduce the weight of things that I am taking with me, I am also cutting down the volume of stuff that will go into commercial storage.  Memories are triggered as I feel the texture of the clothes that I have sewn years ago, remembering all the intended designs and patterns that the fabrics were bought for, reflecting on how much I have spent on all my wool and yarns that had given me many moments of pleasure and sanity.  Tomorrow, I will have to do the same for my books and have to make decisions that must be based on practicality.   At least, that is what the spouse tells me!

2 ½ years ago, I was doing the same thing in moving here, debating whether I really needed or merely wanted these stuff.  At that time, I was riding on a high and indulged in having the ‘wants’.  Now, I am riding out a low and have to be cruel, rational and sensible.

The last couple of years had been at best described as challenging, if not tough.  It was a part of my life journey that saw dark moments of anger and despair.  This is the time that I experienced emotional pain to such extent that I was wallowing in self-pity.  What a horrible feeling!

To climb out of that rut, I had to dive deep into my coaching competencies.  Bringing to the forefront, what is my higher purpose in life and what are the roadblocks that are standing in my way.  I searched my soul for strength, explored my mind for clarity and asked my body for endurance.  Most of all, I prayed that God will not forsake me!

And He did not – He provided and is now giving us another opportunity to move on in life.   Friends, join me in praise of Him, HALLELUJAH!

What is in your closet?

I have borrowed the title from the infamous phrase of having skeletons in our closets.  The issue is – my friends – do you know what is really in your closet?  Behind its closed doors, what are all those stuff, hiding, lost or forgotten inside every nook and corner?

May I ask you; earnestly, how well do you really know and understand yourself.  Or is our life pretty much an illustration of the closet story?  Yes, we may be sure that there are no skeletons inside, but not so sure whether there are some bits of bone left behind.  Along the way, we may have done some spring cleaning and thrown away some horrible looking skeletons of yesteryears.  Perhaps, we even had a good laugh wondering why we kept them at all!

This article is about US AND OUR JOURNEY IN LIFE.  And I want to alert you that all those skeletons in our closets do play a huge but silent part in whom we are today and who we will be tomorrow.

If you wish to find out more about what kind of skeletons are there in your closet, please go to Coaching Stories.
